About us

The YMCA, Young Men's Christian Association, is a voluntary, international, Christian, ecumenical movement that strives to reflect the cultural identity of the Nation in which it exists and serves. First started in London, England, in 1844 by a group of young men, the YMCA concept spread rapidly to every continent of the world. Today, there are YMCAs in 120 countries and regions as nonprofit organizations. YMCAs, sharing the life of love and service manifested in Jesus Christ, offer opportunities for individuals and families to grow in spirit, mind and body at every life stage.
The Tochigi YMCA
To be a Mulutigeneratinal Service Organization
The Tochigi YMCA is founded in 1978. The YMCA provides programs for People of all ages, from pre-school age the elderly.
Recognizing the importance of human rights evryone is welcome regardless of age, sex, handicap or national origin.
The Tochigi YMCA is organized in the following 3 corporations. The activity bases in Tochigi Prefecture in 3 corporations.

Headquarters of Tochigi YMCA
(Outdoor / Wellness / International studies / After school / Volunteer )
2-7-42 Matsubara, Utsunomiya, 320-0041 Japan
The school corporation of Utsunomiya YMCA (Kindergarten)
2-7-42 Matsubara, Utsunomiya, 320-0041 Japan
The social welfare corporation of Tochigi YMCA
(Elderly support / Nursery school / social welfare)
1983 Koteyama-cho, Utsunomiya, 321-3235 Japan
When one person is transformed, the world changes.

If one person is transformed, the world will change…
If one person is transformed, what will happen?
If one person is transformed, someone who meets this person may be happy.
That means this person may also be transformed.
The repetition of transformation may be the power to transform society and the world.
Someone who meets new people will be transformed.
YMCA encourages relationships like this.
The chain of transformation will be the power to transform society and the world.
It will be the power to generate peace.

Vision: What’s the ideal world envisioned by the YMCA?
We will work towards building communities in which people will respect and enhance one another to bring out their best qualities.
Rich and inspiring communities connected by people’s “Positive Net”.
“Positive Net”is Japan YMCA’ s concept for building a network of good-willed proactive people where they respect the individuality and bring out the best of one another.
In a society full of challenging issues, people can choose to connect in such a way.
We, Japan YMCA, with its global network will strive to expand the “Positive Net” and build an inspiring and rich society.

Encounter. Connect. Transform.
For you to encounter what you want to do. For you to look for somebody to connect to.
For you to transform your life. Now YMCA makes efforts to be a special place for “you”.
“I” will be connected with the other “I”. We call this proactive and positive network” Positive Net”.
“Positive Net”is beyond a regular network.This connects “me” to society and the world.
YMCA makes its own unique network because of its respect for the connection between people.
Each “I” cannot exist by itself. “I” will be generated from the relationship with somebody else.
To develop this relationship, to improve “I” to “We”, YMCA pioneers new projects and keeps challenging itself.
Everything is for you to transform your life. If one person is transformed, somebody who meets this person may be happy.
The chain of transformation will be the power to change society and the world. It will be the basic power to practice peace.
With this big heart, YMCA will continue its movement in plain sight for all to see.
If one person is transformed, society and the world will certainly change.