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Thank you for attending the AY 2020 Big Hug sessions!

Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは、未就園児親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」の活動を行っています。今週で無事に2020年度の活動が終了しました。ご参加頂きました皆様、本当にありがとうございました!スタッフ一同、心より感謝申し上げます。


Dear friends and parents,

     We finished all thAY 2020 Big Hug sessions this week! Thank you very much for attending this program and sharing your precious time with us! It was our great pleasure to see all of you had grown up well throughout the year. 

     In April, some friends will be promoted to kindergarten, and some will move to other prefectures with their families. Spring is the season when we need to say farewell, however, it is the time to step into the next stage in your life! Our best wishes are with you as you begin your new adventure!

     We would like to announce that Chie-sensei will leave the YMCA as she steps into her next stage, too. We will really miss her, but we believe that her capability, experiences, and professional skills are the very qualities, which are needed by so many students in the new place she will go. We wish her all the best in her future!

3月末で担当のChie先生が退職となります。Chie's English Lessonへご参加頂きました皆様へは、心より感謝を申し上げます。4月以降の活動は、引き続きYMCA講師が担当致します。そして、もうすぐ新年度が始まります!春をテーマに準備していますので、ぜひ遊びにいらしてくださいね!

The AY 2021 Big Hug session will start in April! There will be lots of fun English time singing, dancing, story time telling, making crafts and much more! We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!