Big Hug 活動お休みのお知らせ
おやこ英語ひろば「Big Hug」 ご参加の皆さま
いつもBig Hugの活動にご理解とご協力を賜り誠にありがとうございます。
皆さまの毎日の安全が守られますように、心身お健やかにお過ごしになられますように心よりお祈りしております。何かご質問やご相談などありましたらいつでもお気軽にメールにてお問合せください (bighug@tochigi-ymca.org) どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Big Hug 9月のスケジュール
Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは、未就園児親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」の活動を行っています♪7月もたくさんの皆様にご参加を頂き心より感謝申し上げます。
Regular Day(月曜日)…9/13、9/27
Regular Day(火曜日)…9/7、9/21
Regular Day (金曜日)…9/3、9/10、9/17、9/24
We are very happy to have had many friends participate in Big Hug sessions this month! Hiroko sensei also joined and showed us some interesting stories using the panel theater. Little children were so curious and listened to them very well!
Here are the crafts we made for this month! These are sea creatures which showed up in the monthly song of July, titled "Under the Sea"! Having the parents' support, little children made sea creatures' heads, tentacles, and long legs. The most difficult part was to stick the tiny stickers of octopuses' suckers for legs. It was very hard, but the children used their fine motor skills, and they did a great job to complete them all with their persistence and concentration!!
Can you guess what these blue things are??? We also enjoyed riding on the whale sharks and pretending to swim in the ocean!
Outside the building of "TRY Higashi", we can see beautiful "globe amaranths" now! We hope you have a wonderful summer holiday with your families! Stay safe, healthy and happy during summer. We look forward to seeing you all in September!
Big Hug 7月のスケジュール
Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは、未就園児親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」の活動を行っています!7月のスケジュールをご案内致します。
Regular Day (月曜)…7/12、7/26
Regular Day (火曜)…★7/6、7/20
Regular Day (金曜)…7/2、7/16
★6日はstar festiaval (七夕)を予定しています。クラフト代+100円のご用意をお願い致します。
The New trains and buses of this year are ready!! Do you want to ride on the renewed trains and buses of 2021? We prepared boxed types of vehicles so that little children are able to be seated inside. Parents did a great job of pulling the ropes and the vehicles to move around the room!
In addition to the everyone’s favorite song, “The Wheels on the Bus”, we sang a new song titled “Train Song” and enjoyed learning the different types of sounds that the train engine made, such as “choo, choo”, “clicka, clacka”, and “chugga, chugga!”
Outside the building of “TRY Higashi” where our Big Hug sessions are usually held, you can see beautiful hydrangeas now. We hope you can visit and enjoy the beautiful colors!
Big Hug 6月のスケジュール
Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは、未就園児親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」の活動を行っています!6月の予定が準備出来ましたのでご案内申し上げます。
Regular Day (月曜) 6/21、6/28
Regular Day (火曜) 6/1、6/8、6/15
Regular Day (金曜) 6/4、6/11、6/18、6/25
According to the weather news, the rainy season has begun in the Kansai region, and it will soon come to Utsunomiya. Do you like rainy days? At Higashi YMCA, I see that little children love to wear their raincoats and rubber boots. Rainy season is fun because we can go outside to enjoy listening to the sounds of raindrops falling, looking for colorful umbrellas, chasing frogs(!), and splashing into the puddles!!
At Big Hug, we will have some fun activities related to the weather! We hope lots of friends come and enjoy the rainy season with us! 関東も梅雨入り間近ですね!6月も楽しい活動を予定しています。いつでもどなたでも、お気軽に遊びにいらしてくださいね♪
Big Hug 5月のスケジュール
Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは、未就園児親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろば Big Hug」の活動を行っています。5月のスケジュールが準備出来ましたのでご案内致します!
Regular Day (火曜)…5/11、5/18、5/25
Regular Day (金曜)…5/14、5/21、5/28
↑春らしく"butterfly life circle"をテーマにしたちょっと面白いお歌も歌っています♪
新年度が始まり、少しお兄さんお姉さんになられたお友だち、そして新しいお友だちもお迎えして活動しています。年度初め、少人数でゆっくりのんびり始めていますので、どなたでもお気軽にご参加ください。初めましてのお友だち、お久しぶりのお友だちも、どなたでもいつでも大歓迎です♪Big Hug sessions are open! We hope everyone can feel relaxed and enjoy singing songs, moving your bodies to the music, making crafts, and participating in a story telling time! Let's have fun together!