とちぎYMCA YMCAイングリッシュブログ とちぎYMCA YMCAイングリッシュブログ


Big Hug 1月のスケジュール

Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは未就園児の親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」の活動を行っています。今週で12月のBig Hugも無事に終了致しました!今月もたくさんの皆さまにご参加を頂き、本当にありがとうございました。1月の予定を下記の通りお知らせ致します。


Regular Day (月曜) 1月17日、24日、31日

Regular Day(金曜)1月14日、28日





受付専用アドレス bighug@tochigi-ymca.org

Dear Big Hug friends,

Thank you very much for participating in Big Hug sessions this month! We had so much fun having many Christmas activities with you, such as singing Christmas songs, ringing jingle bells, making “three-eyed(?!)” snowmen, Christmas special crafts and Christmas story telling. We hope you can enjoy singing these Christmas songs at home as well♪♪

During this winter holiday, many of you will visit your grandparents and spend precious time with them. May this holiday be full of light and laughter for you and your family! We wish your Christmas be blessed with lots of love. See you all in January!それでは、一月にまた笑顔で皆さまとお会い出来ますことを楽しみにしております!


YMCA English Christmas 2021

Hello, everyone! とちぎYMCAイングリッシュでは、宇都宮と那須において英語でクリスマス会を行いました。沢山の生徒の皆さんにご参加を頂き誠にありがとうございました。那須では当日雪が降り"White Christmas"となり、お越し頂くのも大変な方もおられたかと思います。保護者の皆さまにもご協力を頂き誠にありがとうございました。

Tochigi YMCA English had a special Christmas event on December 11th at Utsunomiya YMCA, and we had it on December 18th at Nasu YMCA, as well!  Thank you very much for participating our special events! We had so much fun having many students participated in it for these two days.

YMCA English teachers introduced many fun activities such as Christmas tree decorating race, flipping cards game, singing Christmas songs, learning words of Christmas and making elf craft. At the end of the program, a YMCA Santa Claus visited us and gave Christmas presents for the students.


This weekend, on the night of Christmas Eve, Santa Claus will visit each child’s house to deliver special presents. We hope all the children have a warm and happy Christmas with their friends and families. May your Christmas be blessed with love, and may this holiday be full of light and laughter for you!

Thank you for attending the AY 2020 Big Hug sessions!

Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは、未就園児親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」の活動を行っています。今週で無事に2020年度の活動が終了しました。ご参加頂きました皆様、本当にありがとうございました!スタッフ一同、心より感謝申し上げます。


Dear friends and parents,

     We finished all thAY 2020 Big Hug sessions this week! Thank you very much for attending this program and sharing your precious time with us! It was our great pleasure to see all of you had grown up well throughout the year. 

     In April, some friends will be promoted to kindergarten, and some will move to other prefectures with their families. Spring is the season when we need to say farewell, however, it is the time to step into the next stage in your life! Our best wishes are with you as you begin your new adventure!

     We would like to announce that Chie-sensei will leave the YMCA as she steps into her next stage, too. We will really miss her, but we believe that her capability, experiences, and professional skills are the very qualities, which are needed by so many students in the new place she will go. We wish her all the best in her future!

3月末で担当のChie先生が退職となります。Chie's English Lessonへご参加頂きました皆様へは、心より感謝を申し上げます。4月以降の活動は、引き続きYMCA講師が担当致します。そして、もうすぐ新年度が始まります!春をテーマに準備していますので、ぜひ遊びにいらしてくださいね!

The AY 2021 Big Hug session will start in April! There will be lots of fun English time singing, dancing, story time telling, making crafts and much more! We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは未就園児の親子を対象とした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」 の活動を行っています♪今日で12月の活動も無事終了しました!皆様の温かいご理解とご協力に感謝申し上げます。今回は少しだけ、11~12月の活動をご紹介します!


< 100th Anniversary of the YMCA Camp Activities in Japan>

今年は日本でYMCAがキャンプ活動を始めて100周年となります。Big Hugのレギュラークラスでも11月はキャンプソングを歌ったり、テントに入って遊んだりキャンプごっこを楽しみました!



キャンプソングとして、お決まりの”Boon-de-ah-dah”ともう一曲、”If You are Happy”をご紹介しました♪"If You are Happy"、邦題で「幸せなら手をたたこう」ですが、この曲を作詞された木村利人さんは、1959年にYMCAの国際ワークキャンプでフィリピンを訪れた際、現地の子どもたちが歌っていたスペイン民謡に、聖書の一節から歌詞をつけられたのだそうです。

その後どのようにして英語に訳され、英語圏にも広まったのかはまだ私も調べられていないのですが、、、今回は”If you’re happy and you know it, say hooray for the YMCA!”とYMCA versionに変えて歌ってみました!そしてChie先生の月曜クラスでもたくさん歌っていますね!これからも折に触れて歌っていきたいと思います♪



<Christmas Activities!>

Chie先生がご紹介下さった絵本”Pete the Cat Saves Christmas”からは、大切なクリスマスのメッセージを教えてもらいましたー”Christmas is about sharing and spreading joy and happiness.”ということで!Big Hugでは、小さなSantasやelvesがそりに乗ってプレゼントを届けました☆





Today, we finished all the Big Hug classes of this year! We would like to say thank you to all who participated in our classes!

It was a great pleasure seeing your moments of progression! Thankfully, we were blessed to see the moments of when you used words like “thank you”, “please”, words of colors, numbers, weather, body parts and much more in English. As well, we were happy to see the first moments when you stood by yourselves, took your first steps, danced with music, even ran in the gym, put your shoes on by yourselves, and were so kind to your friends!

Each of you made a great impact for us and are precious members for us! We hope you have a wonderful winter holiday. May your Christmas be blessed with lots of love, fun, joy, peace and happiness!



とちぎYMCA Englishインスタグラムもぜひお楽しみ頂ければ幸いです!Chie先生が投稿して下さっています!




Praying for fine weather

Hello, everyone! 宇都宮東YMCAでは、1歳~3歳のお友だちを対象にした「おやこ英語ひろばBig Hug」の活動を行っています。

In Big Hug classes at Utsunomiya East YMCA, children and their parents worked together and made a special poster of a rainbow!


IMG-7387 (1)

We learned vocabularies of the weather and talked about the heavy rain which has continued for more than a week in West Japan. We also made "teruteru-bozu" (paper dolls) to ask them to chase the rain clouds away! We would like to send our prayers for the safety of all the people who have been stranded because of flood waters.